Pick a contentious issue about which you care deeply — it could be the same-sex marriage debate, or just a disagreement you’re having with a friend. Write a post defending the opposite position, and then reflect on what it was like to do that.
Had you told me when I quit drinking that a decade into sobriety I’d be suburban Texas mom—I probably would have kept drinking. A friend and I were recently talking and I said, “I don’t know, a part of me feels like I’m giving up moving to the suburbs.”
She laughed and said, “That’s what the suburbs are—surrender.”
The suburbs in all their sameness and picket-fenced perfection represented a life I never wanted with their Live Laugh Love Etsy signs and swinger parties. They weren’t for eccentric artists or messed up comedians. They were for sorority girls and women who loved game nights and crafts and the Bible and Botox parties.