Take a quote from your favorite movie — there’s the title of your post. Now, write!
This scene from Aviator is one of my favorite in any movie. It epitomizes so much of my own experience growing up around the ultra wealthy.
“We don’t care about money, Mr. Hughes,” said Mrs. Hepburn.
“That’s cause you have it,” he retorts.
“Would you repeat that?” She says.
“You don’t care about money because you’ve always had it.” Howard replies.
All weekend on Twitter I watched uber wealthy men say things like “Be careful what you wish for because the shoe may soon be on the other foot” in regards to folks yelling NO BAILOUTS. This man doesn’t seem to be aware that the shoe is always on the other foot. We are wearing one shoe, sir! All the time. Unless he means that we will all soon have $250,000 plus to just gamble with — in which case, I can’t wait!